
Starting Saturday 7th October, and full timetable

Our first session for this year will be Saturday October 7th at 10am. As usual we ask people to book (free) tickets through the calendar on the right so we can anticipate numbers.

After checking the school calendar, public holidays, etc.,  we’ve drawn up the following list of dates that CoderDojo Athy will be running. Tickets for all dates are available now.

October: 7, 14, 21
November: 11, 18, 25
December: 2, 9
January: 13, 20, 27
February: 3, 24
March: 3, 10
April: 14, 21, 28


Last session: May 27th

Saturday 27th will be our last session this (academic) year. The following weekend is the June public holiday, and school summer holidays and state exams start after that.

Enjoy the summer!


Darkness into Light, Saturday 6th May

Darkness into Light will take place at 4.15am on Saturday morning. Since most (all?) of the people that organise Coderdojo Athy will also be that event (and some in an organising capacity from much, much earlier in the night), as well as thousands from Athy itself, we’re going to take this week off and try to catch up on sleep.


Easter break

With the schools finishing today for the next two weeks, we’ll be taking a break as well. Next day is Saturday 29th. See you then!


Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

It’s a public holiday weekend, so there’s no session this week. See you next week!


Mid-term break

With the schools closed for mid-term, we’re taking a break as well. We’ll be back on Saturday 4th of March. See you then!


Machine learning tutorial

In our Python session today we had a go at using scikit-learn to identify handwritten digits. There’s a sample set of 1797 digits built into scikit-learn itself we can use to try this out quite quickly.

Jupyter notebooks are a really nice way to interactively work with Python, so I’ve written up a tutorial about identifying handwritten digits as a Jupyter notebook. You can see it here:


Happy Christmas!

We’ve just finished our last session of 2016, with just one free weekend left before Christmas. We’ll be back in January on the 14th, the first Saturday after the school term starts.

Have a great Christmas, a happy new year, and we’ll see you in 2017!


Two weeks left before Christmas

CoderDojo Athy will run for two more weeks, on the 3rd and 10th of December, before taking a break for Christmas. (The 17th is the last full weekend before Christmas, and too busy for most people to make it).


Halloween Break

With the schools closed for Halloween we’re taking a break for the next two weeks, and we’ll be back on the 12th of November. See you then!